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Hailey Bieber's "glazed doughnut" nails have gone viral in recent months. The chrome nail look has gotten so popular, other celebrities have started to wear their own versions of the manicure. We're breaking down the best renditions of the glazed-doughnut nail trend.
Go on any social media platform, and there's a 90 percent chance you'll see someone trying the nail trend of the moment: "glazed doughnut" nails. Hailey Bieber revealed in a recent POPSUGAR interview that she first discovered the nail look by accident thanks to her go-to manicurist, Zola Ganzorigt.
"I go through phases where I stick to a theme with my nails for a consistent amount of time," Bieber says. First, it was doing jelly-colored nails, and after that, it was neon polish. Then right before the Met Gala, Ganzorigt suggested setting her sheer pink manicure with a chrome dust powder instead of a normal top coat. "I've done chrome before, but I had never done it with a thin coat of polish before," Bieber says. "As soon as we did it, I was like, 'I'm sticking with this. This is my new phase.'"
If you're wondering where exactly the name stems from, it's simple: the manicure is meant to look like the glazed topping of a doughnut. The "wet look" is created by using traditional chrome powder, typically one thin coat, in either a light or sheer neutral color to give that barely there look to the nail.
Since Bieber's appearance at the Met Gala, glazed-doughnut nails have taken on a life of their own, with everyone from celebrities to nail enthusiasts trying their own iterations of the trend. We've also seen people stray from the typical milky colors and instead use pinks and neons in an effort to give the manicure a bolder finish. Others are combining it with classic nail-art designs like the french manicure.
As you can see, there are numerous ways to wear the glazed-doughnut nail trend. If you'd like some inspiration before giving the look a try for yourself, we've rounded up the best renditions of the manicure to get your creative juices flowing, ahead.
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